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Branding | Print Media

Allied Health,
Sport & Wellness

Silhouette of a head with a weight as a brain

Therapeutic Bronze

CMYK: 34, 42, 70, 8
RGB: 165, 136, 93
HEX: #a4885c

Athletic Almond

CMYK: 7, 12, 36, 0
RGB: 237, 217, 171
HEX: #ecd8aa

Graduate Gold

CMYK: 1, 18, 70, 0
RGB: 254, 209, 104
HEX: #fed068

Wellness Waves

CMYK: 16, 5, 5, 0
RGB: 210, 225, 233
HEX: #d2e0e8

Chiropractic Cream

CMYK: 21, 28, 50, 0
RGB: 204, 177, 136
HEX: #ccb188

Type Study for Allied Health, Sport & Wellness: Indivisible Light
Type Study for Allied Health, Sport & Wellness: Indivisible Regular
Type Study for Allied Health, Sport & Wellness: Indivisible Bold

Project Statement

Baldwin Wallace University’s College of Education and Health Science Department of Allied Health, Sport & Wellness is rebranding curriculum offerings to attract students interested in careers in allied health that prepare them for various graduate studies and lead to professions such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, athletic training, chiropractic, podiatry, and nursing.

Including the university’s colors, incorporating four shades of brown and yellow, and introducing a light blue into the restructured documents. Each program includes information about credit hours, course names, detailed overviews of each major, opportunities available in related fields for graduates, statistical data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a breakdown of the four-year curriculum utilizing the sans-serif typeface, Indivisible.


Flat Designs

After: An overview of credits for Community Health Education Promotion, description, and career opportunities

Community Health Education Promotion Course Flier (Front)

After: 4-Year curriculum for Community Health Education Promotion

Community Health Education Promotion Course Flier (Back)


Community Health Education Promotion Course Flier

Before & Afters

Before After

Community Health Education Promotion Overview

Before After

Community Health Education Promotion 4-Year Curriculum

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Allied Health,
Sport & Wellness

Branding | Print Media