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Branding | Digital Content Creation |
Flyer | Newsletter | Postcard


BWell with a deep blue leaf around script

Deep Space Sparkle

CMYK: 78, 56, 47, 28
RGB: 64, 88, 101
HEX: #405864


CMYK: 51, 56, 60, 27
RGB: 111, 93, 83
HEX: #6e5d53

Gold Crayola

CMYK: 13, 24, 60, 0
RGB: 222, 189, 123
HEX: #debd7c

Floral White

CMYK: 2, 2, 5, 0
RGB: 248, 245, 237
HEX: #f7f4ed

Banana Mania

CMYK: 1, 7, 37, 0
RGB: 253, 231, 173
HEX: #fee8ae

Dark Sky Blue

CMYK: 45, 12, 14, 0
RGB: 139, 189, 207
HEX: #8abdcf

Columbia Blue

CMYK: 12, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 218, 241, 253
HEX: #d9f3ff

Pale Silver

CMYK: 19, 21, 26, 0
RGB: 207, 193, 181
HEX: #cfc1b5

Lemon Meringue

CMYK: 1, 5, 26, 0
RGB: 253, 237, 195
HEX: #fdedc3

Type Study for BWell: Lato Light
Type Study for BWell: Lato Regular
Type Study for BWell: Lato Bold

Project Statement

BWell serves as the Employee Wellness Department at Baldwin Wallace University, dedicated to communicating with all faculty and staff within the community to promote well-being and inclusion. This role involves developing fliers, digital displays, presentations, weekly wellness emails, and overseeing the wellness program for faculty and staff well-being. The responsibilities include designing digital content and print media; assisting with the wellness website and event planning; developing and evaluating campus-wide wellness challenges; conducting satisfaction surveys and making recommendations; managing and organizing time for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Employee Wellness programming.

Existing content, including the website, the new employee welcome presentation, and weekly wellness emails, are redeveloped to enhance functionality, generate more traffic and clicks, and share content innovatively, such as videos and digital displays. All content adheres to BWell’s brand kit, which features welcoming shades of yellows, browns, and blues, with the Lato typeface using Canva, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign.



Before: Baldwin Wallace New Employee Wellness Welcome Presentation


Before Week of Wellness Email August 2023

Week of Wellness August 2023

Certificate of Achievement for completing a walking marathon

Week of Wellness September 2023

10K a Day Spring Registration Flyer

Week of Wellness October 2023



After: Baldwin Wallace New Employee Wellness Welcome Presentation


Before Week of Wellness Email August 2023

Week of Wellness February 2024

10K a Day Spring Registration Flyer

Brushes & Bubbles: A Sparkling Farewell Invitation

Certificate of Achievement for completing a walking marathon

3 Ways to Manage Holiday Stress


10K a Day Spring Registration Flyer

10K a Day Registration Flyer

Certificate of Achievement for completing a walking marathon

30-Day Walking Marathon Challenge Certificate of Achievement

Breakdown of Employee Wellness Events for Spring Semester

Employee Wellness Spring 2024 Semester Events

Registration for Walktober at Baldwin Wallace

Walktober Registration Flyer

Walking Schedule at Baldwin Wallace for the month of October

Walking Themes and Schedule

Rundown of Walktober 2023 at Baldwin Wallace

Walktober Recap Flyer


Mockup of Sow the Seeds of Wellness postcard

Sow the Seeds of Wellness Postcard

Mockup of BWell's Holiday Gratitude Card

Gratitude Holiday Postcard

Digital Displays

10K a Day Spring Registration Flyer

Weekly Wellness Tip for Sleep Recommendations

Video Creation

Four Things to Do Everyday for Your Mental Health

Thank you for viewing…


Branding | Digital Content Creation |
Flyer | Newsletter | Postcard