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Illustration | Infographic | Process Book

The Definitive
Guide to Kissing

Primary logo of the Massillon Visionaries

Very Berry

CMYK: 25, 80, 48, 5
RGB: 183, 82, 101
HEX: #b75265


CMYK: 6, 27, 29, 0
RGB: 236, 190, 172
HEX: #ecbeac

Tulip Poplar Purple

CMYK: 41, 82, 60, 41
RGB: 107, 50, 61
HEX: #6b323d


CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
HEX: #ffffff


CMYK: 2, 10, 11, 0
RGB: 245, 226, 216
HEX: #f5e2d8

Rose Pink

CMYK: 4, 58, 18, 0
RGB: 233, 135, 158
HEX: #e9879e

Viva Magenta

CMYK: 33, 70, 42, 7
RGB: 165, 97, 113
HEX: #a56171

Type Study for The Definitive Guide to Kissing: Area Normal Regular
Type Study for The Definitive Guide to Kissing: Caprizant Regular
Type Study for The Definitive Guide to Kissing: LTC Globe Gothic Regular

Project Statement

“The Definitive Guide to Kissing,” infographic, blends research and design in a way that captivates and presents the language of affection. Illustrations and icons define the infographic’s visual narrative, and the content references various sources, including the BBC, Healthline, and GQ Magazine. Royalty-free imagery from Unsplash and Pexels transforms into icons using Adobe Illustrator. Background patterns of pinks, creams, and whites connect with love and divide the content into sections.

The blend of two sans-serif fonts, Area Normal Regular and LTC Globe Gothic, alongside the script font, Caprizant Bold, evokes warmth and excitement. The script font, Caprizant, captures the viewer’s attention as headers guide readers to each new section. The sans-serif fonts seamlessly organize content and share insights into kissing’s origins, various kiss types, traditional styles, and the psychological rationale behind this universal gesture of love.



Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

World Map Sketch

Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Lip Sketches


Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Repeating Lips Pattern

Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Diamond Pattern

Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Bridesmaid & Rosemary Lips Pattern

Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Bridesmaid & Rosemary Stripe Pattern

Initial sketches for Massillon Visionaries logo

Viva Magenta Abstract Pattern


Process of the Infographic Development


The final design features facts, sources, and etiquette

The Definitive Guide to Kissing
Final Infographic



French Kiss


Butterfly Kiss

Group of Lips

Hand Kiss

World Map

Eskimo Kiss

Holding Hands



Time Icons

Process Book

The Definitive Guide to Kissing
Process Book

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The Definitive
Guide to Kissing

Illustration | Infographic | Process Book